*Fancy Dress Disco Wednesday 23rd October*

Hire of Premises

Policy in Relation to the Hire of School Premises, Facilities or Resources and the Conditions for their Use

  • LinnPrimary Schoolworks hard to maintain a good reputation. Whenever it is practical, appropriate and reasonable to do so, facilities may be made available for use by the local community or by organisations that promote the ethos and working of the school.
  • The hire or free use of school premises, facilities or resources is under the control of the Board of Governors, subject to statutory requirements or directions from the education authority. This task will normally be delegated to the principal as part of the daily management of the school’s finances, estate and property.
  • Governors have agreed to apply charges and review them annually.
Caretaking: £35

Heat/Electricity £5 per hour

  • In the event of the school cancelling a letting, no fee will be payable. In the event of the hirer cancelling a letting, no fee will be charged, unless the school has incurred any financial cost for the letting.
  • The hiring individual or group shall inspect the facility upon arrival and report any damage or loss to the building supervisor or principal. Apparatus, furniture or equipment belonging to the school can only be used with advance permission from the principal and for its appropriate purpose. Any damage or loss incurred during the period of hire must be reported to the building supervisor or principal at the end of the session. The hiring individual/group will be financially liable for repair or replacement. The building and equipment should be left as found.
  • Letting should not go beyond 10pm.
  • Excessive noise and local disturbance must not create a nuisance for local residents.
  • The use of tobacco, alcohol and illegal drugs is prohibited throughout the grounds and inside all buildings.
  • The hiring body is responsible for ensuring that all health and safety requirements and recommendations are met and that suitably qualified people take responsibility for supervision of the premises, for the conduct of those attending, and for child protection (if relevant).
  • Any hirer who is using the school premises for commercial/personal gain should have their own public liability insurance and produce the relevant certificates for inspection.
  • The parking of vehicles on school property is at the owner’s risk. Drivers will be held responsible for damage to school property or injury to any person while their vehicle is on school premises.
  • If the school requires to use the facilities their needs will always take preference. (e.g. school play or parents’ evening).